A modern IT professional

Before having to write this blog post I haven't really thought about what would make an IT professional, what would be some common defining characteristic in successful IT professionals that someone could point at. I had to spend a while really thinking about it and I believe that one of, if not the most, important characteristic that an IT professional must have is adaptability. You might ask why would I decide that adaptability is truly the ultimate characteristic for an IT professional, well it is because the field of IT is the most rapidly advancing field  and if the IT profession in question doesn’t keep up or can’t keep up then they would be left behind, and eventually their skill would stop being relevant.

With the adaptability of an IT professional it is only natural that not only would they have a field of specialty, but they would also at the very least dabble in other fields and specialties. I do not really have much knowledge of how an average IT professional looked before the 2000s, but from what I have heard due to the difficulty in obtaining knowledge most IT professionals would stick to their own field of specialization and not have as much of an opportunity to learn other fields, so that is probably the biggest difference between now and then. Due to the amount of information available and the ease at which it is possible to obtain, almost every IT professional can with a little bit of stretching of the imagination they can be called “full stack”.

In conclusion I believe that the new IT professionals are more adoptable and more versatile then many in the previous generations, but it is mostly due to the more freely available information. I believe that in the future IT professionals will become versatile and adaptable, and eventually it might get to the point that a single IT professional would be able to do the job of multiple current IT professionals.


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