Practical applicability of ideals in the modern world

After reading the different guidelines for hackers I’ve come to the conclusion that at best they can only be used as rough guidelines, after all nothing in this world is absolute.

  • Passion – While I do believe that hackers have to love, or at the very least enjoy what they do, I also do believe that even if they do not enjoy it, they can still achieve something in the field, sure they won't be at the top, but in the ever growing field of IT, as long as they work on improving them selves then even people that just see hacking as just a job will be able to achive something.

  • Freedom – I believe that this is one of the most important characteristics, after all a caged bird will never learn to fly, sure some people say that the most ingenious idea were created when a person was put under pressure and had limitations imposed upon them, but then can you image what they would have created without those limitations, how much better the result would have been if they were completely free.

  • (hacker) Work ethic – I believe that this quality is as important or only second to freedom, sure when you are free you are able to accomplish much, but I think that without work ethic even if you are completely free you wont be able to accomplish much, I would even go as far as to say that work ethic trumps passion in importance.

  • (hacker) Money ethic – For the person, this is something that should heavily depend on them and not on some guideline set out by someone, but I do believe that a person who is responsible for creating a large amounts of free and open-source software, or just in general who contributed large amounts of his time to the betterment of the collective would be remembered more then a person who did things with money as their primary objective. So I would recommend the first path for most people, but this isn’t an idealistic world so money is still vital for survival not only of the hacker but also for the projects that they might be building.

  • (hacker) Network ethic (also called nethic) – I believe that this is one of the least important qualities to have, sure it would be nice if someone had it, it would also round them out better as a person, but it isn’t vital for the success of the hacker, maybe your community wont like you, but as long as you have the skill to backup your personality then it should be fine.

  • Creativity – This is for certain one of the most important qualities of a hacker, after all what is a hacker if not a person who uses the system that someone else built in a creative manner to achieve their desired results.



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