Review of the “Capture The Flag 101” wiki

Before I start digging into the wiki, for full disclosure, I do have to give some background as to my own experience with Capture the Flag, I have never done one to completion. I have researched some for school, I have also given a couple a try, but I have never finished, so some of my critic or praise might miss informed.

My first impression of the “What is Capture the Flag?” part of the wiki is that it lacks sources, tho I do admit that my part of the wiki does look similar due to the inconvenience of putting the sources where appropriate so I do understand why there is a lack of them, but still it was a point worthy of mention.

Now I do believe that the “Definition” part does a very good job at introducing the subject, as I am able to understand what a CTF is just from one paragraph! My only complaint with the next part is that most CTFs that I have seen accurately explain or at the least approximate their difficulty level, so that should have been said instead of what was written. With the following part it seems accurate to me, tho I don’t really have any experience with the first version of the CTF, but there aren’t any problems as far as I can see.

This next part is mostly a complaint towards the organization of the “Types of problems” and the “Types of challenges”, as I believe that those two part should be one, and that splitting them like that makes no sense, tho I don’t actually have much to complain about the contents of the parts them selves as they do cover their topics well. I do feel like the “Types of probables” part should have been a bit more in depth as it does only skim the surface of the problems, but I do believe that it makes up for that with the amount of images that it has.

The only complaint that I can really lodge at the “Types of challenges” is that a number of their images are placed weirdly, and that isn’t really an error but more of a nitpick as it can be fixed easily. Additional I would like to levy the same complaint that I had against the first part, and that is the lack of sources, they make a number of claims, but without sources to back them up it would make it annoying to do research based upon this wiki!

Overall I have found that I can easily understand what the wiki is trying to tell me, and haven't ran into any problems where I was completely confused by a passage, but a complaint that I do have is that the wiki often has paragraphs that are way too big, and as you read them it starts to feel very “rambly”, a simple fix in my opinion would be to restructure the sentences and break the large paragraphs into more manageable pieces, as to improve the flow of ideas for the reader.

Less of a complaint and more of a suggestion, I believe that with all those different types of CTFs they should provide a link to one of them, so that a curious person would be able to easily look around.

 In conclusion I believe that the team did a good job with the wiki and where able to produce good and readable content, with my only complaints being that the formatting should be improved upon and that it might need some restructuring.


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