Social Contract Theory, an IT example
After much thought I believe that the “Social Contract Theory” is one of the most important theories in the list, after all in an online environment where almost everyone is anonymous it is important that people remember that on the other end of the conversation there is another human, not because it might hurt the other persons feelings but because we want order to be maintained. Now onto the example, I believe that in the future as cyber-security professionals we will run into situations where we have to develop a project form scratch, or setup a server form the ground up, and in situations like that it is important to follow rules and regulations, as not only will that help guide you on the proper path to setting up your project or server, once your project is almost setup and an error pops up for some reason then using online guides and forums, you would be able to look up error and consult other specialists that might know something about the problem that you are having, while if...