A bad design that led to a disaster and a good design that prevented one (or 2 smaller good ones...)
The bad design Probably the most infamous bad design that I can think of is that of the Hawaii alert system and the 2018 disaster it led to. There are two conflicting accounts of how everything went down, but the common denominator in both is that the software being used was of very low quality and didn’t have any type of double verification, sadly there are no actual screenshots of available online, but buy looking at the examples provided by the official sources it isn’t hard to understand why such a mistake could have been made. The first version is that an employee went rouge, some say due to an un-diagnosed mental illness, and turned a unplanned drill into an actual alert, resulting in 38 minutes of absolute horror for the citizens, I have read multiple harrowing accounts from the people there: A mother who didn’t wake her children, deciding to let them perish peacefully in their sleep A family who just sat down on the beach to enjoy their last moments together Large ...