How wikis have influenced and changed the world
In my opinion, from the list of new medias provided, wikis is the one that influenced and changed the world the most in my opinion. The best place to start talking about how wikis changed the world would be in the physical world that we constantly interact with, the biggest physical item that was changed were the encyclopedia, they were made obsolete, I was about to make an example of how there were still uses for encyclopedias in places without access to internet, but I read an article during my research that claimed you could download all of Wikipedia in about 50gb without images and 100gb with them. If you think about it 50gb is really only a large USB worth, as long as you have access to the internet at some point you could download and carry the whole website of Wikipedia with you, and not a single encyclopedia is able to compete with that. As wikis are digital, it would only make sense that the biggest impact that they would have is in the digital world, and the biggest impact th...